Every Child is a Precious Gift From God
A place where children will have the opportunity to explore, create and learn in a flourishing environment. A setting that builds on their character and self-esteem.
A family that emphasizes strong core values, good manners, and making good choices while instilling a culture of compassion and kindness.
About Christian Life Academy in 30 Seconds

Introducing a 2nd series coloring book designed to strengthen children’s motor skills, stimulate creativity, and develop focus through positive imagery and inspirational precepts.

Meet Joy, Valor, and their little friend Sparky. They are great companions in the journey of first education challenges. They will help our kids improve their motor skills, reading, live experiences, and so much more…

For nearly three decades, Christian Life Academy has offered a distinctive preschool experience for children as young as age two through kindergarten age with a loving, Christ-centered approach.
Christian Life Academy is committed to providing the highest quality educational program that is both challenging and fun.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.